Logo usage

Terms of use of the CMDBuild READY2USE logo


Terms of use

When using the CMDBuild READY2USE logo, it's mandatory to quote Tecnoteca Srl as maintainer, furthermore it's mandatory to highlight CMDBuild READY2USE's website: https://www.cmdbuildready2use.org

CMDBuild READY2USE's trademark

  • can't be altered (colors, font, shape,etc) and can't be included in other trademarks,
  • can't be used as a company logo, moreover no company can act as CMDBuild READY2USE's author/owner/maintainer;
  • can't be removed from the parts of the application in which it is reported, and in particular from the header at the top of each page.

Only official partners are allowed to act as CMDBuild READY2USE vendors and providers of the Tecnoteca's business services.

In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU General Public License version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the “CMDBuild READY2USE” logo.
The Logo “CMDBuild READY2USE” must be a clickable link that leads directly to the Internet URL https://www.cmdbuildready2use.org